Cargo business leaders & elected officials talk jobs, port growth

Dec 2, 2016 | Press Releases

More than 120 local cargo business leaders, employees and Northeast Florida elected officials held a unique port-community conversation today at the JAXPORT cruise terminal in North Jacksonville.

Cargo business leaders & elected officials talk jobs, port growth

Port users and service providers, including local trucking firms, warehouse providers, logistics companies, tugboat operators, ocean carriers, shippers and other maritime organizations showcased the positive impact their companies have on employment, prosperity and community service in the region.

Cargo business leaders & elected officials talk jobs, port growth

With vital port growth projects coming to fruition and JAXPORT’s international profile rising, lawmakers got to see first-hand how public investment turns into private sector success.

Michael Brannigan, President and CEO of Jacksonville-based Suddath, a global transportation and logistics company, addressed the assembled elected officials, saying, “We have two choices as a community: make the investments necessary to continue to grow, to continue to support job growth and take advantage of the tremendous potential we have in Jacksonville or lose these jobs. Global trade is here to stay and Jacksonville is well-positioned to take advantage of what the future holds.”