Jacksonville Harbor Deepening Construction Begins

Feb 3, 2018 | Press Releases

 The Dutra Group’s clamshell dredge The Paula Lee makes the first scoop of the Jacksonville Harbor Deepening project. 

After a decade of study, independent review, public input and full regulatory approval, contractors for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers today began the Jacksonville Harbor Deepening project to take the federal shipping channel to a depth of 47 feet. The Dutra Group was recently awarded the contract to construct the project’s first three mile segment. Once completed, the additional 7 feet of water depth will allow the largest container cargo ships to call on JAXPORT more fully loaded.

Construction of the first segment of the project is expected to take approximately two years.

“What a huge day for our city, our region and our state,” said JAXPORT CEO Eric Green. “Effective federal, state and local leaders working together with our maritime and business communities made this a reality. It is exhilarating to see this historic project come to life to help ensure that we continue to put our citizens to work.”

More than 1.3 million containers moved through the Port of Jacksonville last year, making it Florida’s largest container port complex. The Asian container trade, with cargo moving aboard the largest ships calling the U.S. East Coast, continues to be the fastest growing segment of JAXPORT’s container cargo business.

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