Next generation U.S. Navy patrol boats move through JAXPORT’s dedicated heavy lift dock

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  • Next generation U.S. Navy patrol boats move through JAXPORT’s dedicated heavy lift dock
Mar 2, 2015 | Press Releases

Highly trained master riggers at Portus recently moved the first shipment of next generation SAFE Boats Mk VI Patrol Boats purchased by the U.S. Navy through the heavy lift and specialty cargo berth at JAXPORT’s Blount Island Marine Terminal, one of the nation’s highest weight-bearing capacity docks.

The patrol boats, which are 85-feet in length and weigh approximately 70 tons each, arrived at JAXPORT from the West Coast through the Panama Canal aboard a Stevens Transportation, LLC general cargo ship. Portus lifted each patrol boat individually from the arriving vessel before lowering the boats onto the St. Johns River. The boats were then sailed to Naval Station Mayport, Fla. before being sent to Virginia.

SAFE Boats International, LLC designed the Mk VI for optimal performance, fuel economy and firepower. Powered by twin diesel engines and water jets, each boat is specially designed to reduce total operating cost, minimize manpower and improve reliability and maintainability. 

The heavy lift cargo berth at JAXPORT’s Blount Island Marine Terminal offers up to 1,800 pounds per square foot of load capacity with rail capability up to 78 kips per axle for heavy cargo.

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Photo caption: Portus master riggers lift the first of two next generation U.S. Navy patrol boats at the heavy lift cargo berth at JAXPORT’s Blount Island Marine Terminal.