Active Solicitations

Solicitation IDITB_EQ-2031
CategoryMaterials, Equipment & Supplies
StatusUnder Evaluation

GENERAL SUMMARY OF SCOPE – The Jacksonville Port Authority (JAXPORT) is seeking a qualified company to provide a NEW TRAILER MOUNTED BOOM MAN-LIFT aerial platform including all costs associated with delivery, freight, surcharge, and any other related charges, delivered FOB for Talleyrand Marine Terminal of the Jacksonville Port Authority. All work must conform to all applicable city and county codes. JAXPORT will award this Bid to one (1) Bidder offering the lowest price consistent with meeting all specifications, terms and conditions set forth on the ITB. The term of the agreement for these services is intended to be for a one-time purchase. Therefore, the purpose of this solicitation is to request information about your company’s abilities to provide products specified and to obtain pricing commitments.

QUESTIONS DEADLINE – The deadline for submitting questions by e-mail to Terri Lemon-Scott at or submitted through E-Builder is MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2025 at 4:00 PM (ET). Questions will then be released by e-mail via an Addendum to all known potential bidders registered in the E-Builders website.

BID DUE – before 2:00 PM (ET), on THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 2025, at which time they will be opened publicly via ZOOM Meeting under MEETING ID: 893 1932 2056 and PASSCODE NO: 587810. Access link to join public opening from your computer, tablet or smartphone listed below:

This is an Invitation to Bid, the bids and all required supplemental material listed in Article III (items to be submitted with Bid Form) must be electronically submitted in PDF format only and uploaded into Trimble Unity Construct (e-Builder). FAILURE TO UPLOAD ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AS REQUESTED IN THE RFP WILL BE GROUNDS FOR REJECTION. JAXPORT no longer accepts any packages submitted by Email, Fax, Mail or Hand-Delivery.

INTERESTED PROPOSERS: All vendors/contractors interested in bidding on this project must register in Trimble Unity Construct (e-Builder) via the link below. This provides access to all project information including printable versions of the corresponding Proposal documents. Documents attached on website are read-only:

Last UpdatedFebruary 9, 2025