Southeast Toyota Distributors

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Southeast Toyota Distributors, the world’s largest independent distributor of Toyotas, is making progress on the construction of a new 340,000-square-foot state-of-the-art auto processing facility at JAXPORT’s Blount Island Marine Terminal.

Planned for completion in 2025, the $145 million public-private partnership modernizes the company’s operations, incorporating additional on-site rail connections and truck loading areas. The project is fully funded by Southeast Toyota with a $19.78 million grant from the Florida Department of Transportation to assist with terminal development.

When construction is complete, Southeast Toyota will relocate operations from its 50-acre facility at JAXPORT’s Talleyrand Marine Terminal and an adjacent 23-acre private facility into a single 88-acre property at Blount Island. Combining operations at Blount Island creates operational efficiencies and additional space for Southeast Toyota to accommodate more vehicles.

Southeast Toyota has been operating at JAXPORT for more than 50 years and is one of the port’s longest-standing tenants. The company processes Toyota vehicles manufactured in Japan at JAXPORT for distribution across the Southeast U.S.

In 2021, Southeast Toyota moved approximately 157,000 vehicles through JAXPORT. The company’s Jacksonville operations support more than 800 jobs, including processing, parts and distribution, and technical support and training.

Read more about the project

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