Winning image announced in ONE STORK photo contest

Stork winner
Jun 30, 2023 | Cargo Blog

Congratulations to St. Johns County resident Mary Olsen on capturing the winning picture in our ONE STORK photo contest!

Last month, we invited the community to submit their photos of the vessel as it set the record for the largest containership to call Jacksonville.

Mary, joined by her husband Jeff, captured ONE STORK’s arrival at Blount Island from the couple’s boat. Mary’s picture showcases many of the pieces that came together to make this a monumental moment for our port and community—from the tug and the full berths to the big ship and beautiful skies.

“The first thing that struck me, of course, was the size of the thing…it’s massive!” Olsen said. “It was a sight to behold.”

(Pictured) JAXPORT Board Chair J. Palmer Clarkson (left) and CEO Eric Green (right) recently presented Mary and Jeff with a small token of appreciation from JAXPORT and Ocean Network Express North America.

Thank you to everyone who #FoundONE and submitted a photo of the ship’s arrival.